TSC Malaysia embraces the path to a sustainable, circular economy. As such, we welcome new ideas that can assist to improve sustainable contents of our products as part of our contribution to the environment.
TSC Malaysia embraces the path to a sustainable, circular economy. As such, we welcome new ideas that can assist to improve sustainable contents of our products as part of our contribution to the environment.
Toyochem Specialty Chemical Sdn Bhd (TSC) would like to announce that External Provider (Suppliers / Vendors / Contractors) that enters the premises or work on-site shall...
Toyochem Specialty Chemical Sdn Bhd (TSC) would like to announce that it is the company's policy to forbid the purchases of any banned substances as governed by existing regulations in this country as well as internationally.
It's Time for Something New! We are very proud to present you our brand new website, with a fresh and modern look, and many new features such as Mobile Web support and etc...
Important Notice - Notice Pursuant to PDPA - IThe Malaysian Government has enacted the Personal Data Protection Act in 2010 (hereafter referred to as “PDPA” or the “Act”) to protect an individual’s personal data in commercial transactions that came into force effectively 15.11.2013 that necessitates mandatory implementation on or before 15.2.2014. As we treat and view your personal information with great seriousness, we invite you to read our Privacy Notice on our website.